Grandfather monolith

The large gesture, landmark like, symbolizes a standstill

Project information

The large gesture, landmark like, symbolizes a standstill


Dawn of Design


Steel & Oak wood


The Monolith appears at a point in time where change is at hand. In the current day and age we reflect and will look back on this day where a major shift takes place. It influences the history of mankind, particularly by encouraging humankind to progress with technological development and space travel.

The large gesture, landmark like, symbolizes a standstill where time keeps on going. A monument marked with proof of development and progression from our tool. Clearly visible in the spacious lined marks. The Grandfather Monolite is our interstellar timepiece.

The heart of the piece is the solid oak wooden clock, with our signature 8 division of time.
Black metal works great with the dark finish of the oak.

With our welding machine we ‘scratched’ the lines on the surface.

A time-independent timeless piece.

 The monolith is typically an object which appears when times are changing. No unlike the times we live in.  

The backside has also been hand-welded. Clearly showing the transformation of teh metal, due to the heat of the welding.

A revised timepiece.